C42 Rebar cutter is used to cut ordinary carbon steel, hot-rolled bar, rebar, flat, portable cutting machine, square steel and angle. GQ40A steel cutting machine can be at the construction site, steel processing plants, roads and bridges and other applications such as high-frequency and hobbing special process, it has a fast cutting speed, high efficiency.
The practical application of C42 steel cutting machine and semi GQ40A steel cutting machine
Portable cutting machine technology, is a safe "cold" cutting technology, not because of sparks caused by gas explosion. To meet the needs of the coal mine of the cutting operation, the design and manufacture of portable coal mine abrasive water jet cutting machine. device body divided into two parts with a high pressure hose connection, workers operating a handheld gun cut cutting operation, cutting speeds up to 40mm / min; C42 steel cutting machine can be monitored by a pressure gauge system pressure, nozzle wear, abrasive dosage index , GQ40A using steel cutting machine equipment to achieve the safety of coal mine operations were cut.
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