
C42 Rebar cutter is used to cut ordinary carbon steel, hot-rolled bar, rebar, flat, portable cutting machine, square steel and angle. GQ40A steel cutting machine can be at the construction site, steel processing plants, roads and bridges and other applications such as high-frequency and hobbing special process, it has a fast cutting speed, high efficiency.




(Portable cutting machine, C42 steel cutting machine, GQ40A steel cutting machine) applications

Portable Cutting Machine is a tool used by a shear reinforcement. Generally C42 steel cutting machine, steel cutting machine and semi-points, it is one of the indispensable steel processing equipment. Portable cutting machine is mainly used for housing construction, bridges, tunnels, power plants, large-scale water conservancy projects for steel and Cutting. GQ40A steel cutting machine compared with other cutting equipment, light weight, low energy consumption, reliable operation, high efficiency, it has been widely used in recent years gradually machining and small rolling mills, etc., in all areas of the national economy played a important role.

